Millions of people around the world have mobility impairments. A mobility impairment can affect one’s ability to perform everyday tasks without assistance. Many people with mobility impairments lose their motivation or ability to exercise as they once did. Physical inactivity can lead to obesity and increase one’s risk for many health problems and diseases.
People with mobility impairment who overly rely on their caregivers for help to navigate everyday life can have low self-esteem and are at high risk of developing mental disorders. It is often seen that people with mobility impairments stop attending social events and become isolated. Social isolation can wreak havoc on a person’s mental health.
Whill offers a range of mobility solutions designed to help people with mobility impairments lead an independent life. Mobility devices by Whill are produced in the manufacturer’s state-of-the-art facilities. They undergo rigorous testing and meet national and international quality standards.
Over the years, Whill has made a difference in the lives of millions of people with mobility impairments. The manufacturer designs products with the user’s needs in mind. Product designers on Whill’s team are highly empathic professionals. Their ability to understand the challenges that people with mobility impairments face every day enables them to visualize innovative features.
Like Mobility Masters, Whill is committed to service excellence. The manufacturer regularly assesses its manufacturing process. As a result, Whill is able to offer world-class mobility devices at an affordable price.
Every mobility device by Whill comes loaded with features. Power chairs by Whill are very user-friendly and disassemble easily and quickly. They come with ergonomic controls that prevent wrist and hand repetitive overuse injuries. Superior traction and suspension ensure smooth, bump-free rides. Thanks to their compact design, Whill power chairs are able to make tight turns and enable users can navigate tight spaces with ease.
Onboard storage includes an under-seat mesh basket that can be used to carry everyday items such as personal hygiene products, power banks, mobile phone chargers, and disinfectant wipes.
To discuss the benefits of Whill power wheelchairs, call our team at (800) 936-7006. We can help understand your specific needs and match you with a wheelchair that best fits you!