

A mobility impairment affects one’s physical and mental health in several ways. People with mobility impairments struggle with everyday tasks. They need someone to assist them with activities of daily living. People with mobility impairments who are unable to keep their independence can have low self-esteem.


Many people with mobility impairments lose their motivation to work out and fall off the fitness wagon. Studies have shown that inactivity can cause a whole host of problems. It can worsen the symptoms of an existing health problem or lead to a new condition. Lack of physical activity can lead to obesity – a silent killer that can trigger hypertension, diabetes, and many other conditions. 


Many people with mobility impairments cut people off. In an effort to prevent pain, they avoid social interaction. Social isolation increases one’s risk of mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. 


UpWalker offers a range of medical walkers designed to help people with mobility impairments maintain an active lifestyle. Every UpWalker product is manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility and meets quality standards. UpWalker’s robust quality control process rejects even products with the minutest defects, ensuring that users get world-class mobility aids. 


UpWalker has built a culture of innovation and their product designers are not afraid to think outside the box. Their ability to walk in the end user’s shoes allows them to empathize with mobility device users and visualize product features that can make their lives easier. Over the years, UpWalker has touched the lives of hundreds and thousands of people with mobility impairments through several pathbreaking technology innovations.


Like Mobility Masters, UpWalker is committed to helping people with mobility impairments make positive changes for a more fulfilling life. Medical walkers by UpWalker offer ample support to users so they can walk without worrying about overworking their joints and muscles. 


Every UpWalker medical walker comes loaded with a range of features. Mobility devices by UpWalker have adjustable-height armrests for enhanced comfort, lockable brakes and multi-terrain wheels that help them move smoothly over uneven surfaces. They fold in easy steps, ensuring hassle-free transportation.