4 Tips to Get The Most Out Of Your Mobility Scooter
Posted by Susan T. on Aug 17th 2022
More than 18 million people in the country live with mobility impairments. Some common causes of mobility impairments include age related deterioration, injuries, and existing health conditions. A mobility impairment can affect one’s physical and mental health as well as their quality of life.
People with mobility impairments struggle with activities of daily living and risk becoming too dependent on their caregivers and can have low self-esteem. Oftentimes, they are unable to stay physically active and slip into a sedentary lifestyle. Physical inactivity can lead to new health conditions or worsen any pre-existing ones.
Mobility scooters are designed to help people with mobility impairments maintain their independence. These scooters come in all shapes and sizes so rest assured that whatever your body type is, you will find the right mobility scooter for you. With a heavy-duty mobility scooter, you can go around your neighborhood without any hassle or explore the outdoors.
Over the years, huge advances have been made in mobility scooter design and technology. Mobility scooters manufactured these days boast a wide array of safety, convenience, and comfort features. These features improve ride quality and the safety of mobility scooters.
Mobility scooters allow users to lead a more active lifestyle. Physical activity improves one’s overall health and helps reduce risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, different types of cancer, depression, and dementia.
Whether you have a lightweight or heavy-duty mobility scooter, follow these tips to get the most out of your mobility aid.
Charge the Battery Properly
The battery is one of the most important parts of a mobility scooter as it provides a consistent flow of power to the mobility device. Fully charge your mobility scooter battery every week. Many mobility scooter owners charge their mobility scooter batteries only when they use their mobility devices. This could prove to be a grave mistake.
If a mobility scooter battery is only charged once in a while, it can begin to deteriorate. As a result, your scooter’s range can decrease or it may not charge at all. Even if you do not use your mobility scooter for a week, charge it for the recommended number of hours. If you store your mobility scooter in a garage during the winter, wait until the battery warms up before charging your mobility scooter.
Do not leave your charger plugged in after charging your scooter or the cathode can corrode. Try to avoid discharging your mobility scooter battery in less than an hour. Before storing your mobility scooter, charge it to 100%. Never wait for your battery to fully discharge before charging it.
Invest in Mobility Scooter Ramps
There are many uneven surfaces in an average home. If you drive on a rough or uneven surface, you can lose balance and fall down, sustaining injuries. To make sure you can move around your house safely on your mobility scooter, install scooter ramps.
Some places mobility scooter ramps can be installed are:
- Steps leading to the front and back entrance
- Doorways with raised thresholds
- Steps leading from the garage into the home
Look for a mobility scooter ramp with a slip-resistant surface and ergonomically designed handles that make it easy to carry.
Some mobility scooter ramps have two hinge pins that can be removed to separate the mobility device into two easy-to-carry sections. Go for a ramp with self-adjusting ground transition plates for smooth transfer from the ramp to the ground.
If you want to take your mobility scooter with you whenever you travel by car, invest in a mobility scooter car ramp. Using your mobility scooter car ramp, you can transfer your mobility scooter safely and easily into the back of your car. Some factors to consider when choosing a car ramp are:
- Ramp material and surface
- Your scooter’s weight
- The weight of the ramp itself
- Ramp width
- Ease of setting it up
- Ramp warranty
Maintain Your Mobility Scooter
Like all other types of mobility devices, mobility scooters need ongoing care and maintenance. Regular maintenance addresses current issues and prevents potential problems. A well-maintained mobility scooter performs flawlessly and lasts longer than a poorly maintained one.
To prevent dirt and dust from getting into important parts, clean your mobility scooter regularly. When not in use, cover your mobility scooter to protect it from the elements. Before going out for a ride or storing your mobility scooter, make sure its tires are properly inflated. Have a professional maintain your mobility scooter every six months as they will be able to not only perform routine maintenance, but catch any issues before they become worse.
Store Your Mobility Scooter Properly
If you won’t be using your mobility scooter for a while, store it in a dry, secure place. Cover it with a tarp. Before storing your mobility scooter, clean it thoroughly. When storing your mobility scooter for extended periods, check its battery every month or so to keep it charged.
Mobility Masters is a reputable supplier of mobility scooters by leading brands such as Golden Technologies, Pride Mobility, and Vive Health. Our range of mobility scooters meet national and quality standards and can meet any set of needs. With proper care and maintenance, they last years. To learn more, call (800) 936-7006.